Abhinav Swaminathan and Alaumy Joshi join the Gohil lab as new graduate students. Welcome Abhinav and Alaumy.
Shiva’s manuscript describing the structure and function of COA6 is accepted by Cell Reports. Congratulations to Shiva and all our collaborators.
Alaumy Joshi, Archi Sharma and Ashley Coffell start their rotation in our lab.
Kayla Anderson and Abhinav Swaminathan join our lab for rotation.
Our lab receives funding from the NIH/NIGMS to continue our investigations on the molecular mechanisms of copper delivery to mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase.
Shiva is officially Dr. Shiva. Congratulations!!
Andrew Spletter joins our lab as a new undergraduate student.
Donna presents poster at the Gordon Research Conference on Molecular and Cellular Biology of Lipids in Waterville Valley, New Hampshire.
Cameron performs Montague award supported summer research in our lab.
Shiva successfully defends his PhD thesis.
Alison is awarded with the Barry Goldwater Scholarship. Our lab receives funding from the Welch Foundation to continue our investigations on the role of lipids in mitochondrial bioenergetics. Congratulations to Donna on getting the top poster award at the Texas Genetics Society Meeting. Congratulations to Ashley Adams, our undergraduate alumnus, on getting into the medical school at UTMB, Galveston.
Congratulations to Donna for receiving Travel award to attend Texas Protein Folders and Function Meeting.
Shiva is awarded with the John Mack Prescott Graduate Student Research Award, the highest honor given to a Biochemistry and Biophysics Graduate Student.
Congratulations to Donna for getting 2nd prize for oral presentation in the Departmental Research Competition.
Congratulations to Alison for being selected as a Texas A&M nominee for the Barry Goldwater Fellowship.
Our review article summarizing mitochondrial dysfunctions in Barth syndrome is accepted for publication. Congratulations to Sagnika, Donna and Writoban. Rohan Raj Agnihotri, a Biochemistry Junior, joins the lab.